In March 2017, young queer persons united to form Rella Uganda so as to address the vulnerable state of LBQ persons in Uganda. Some of the vulnerabilities we were experiencing included repetitive homelessness, unemployment, and shortcomings in LBQ Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services and information, leadership, and advocacy.
‘Rella’ is a section of the word ‘Umbrella’. Like the umbrella, we commit to providing protection for our partners. We were successfully registered on the 23rd of November 2017 with the help of a local advocacy organization known as Chapter Four Uganda as Rella Women’s Foundation Limited.
Rella Women’s Foundation is a feminist women’s umbrella organization that allows us to work together formally to coordinate activities and pool resources for LBQ individuals and communities. We provide resources and often identity for LBQ individuals not affiliated to any organizations as members. This kind of arrangement makes us to some degree responsible for the livelihood of LBQ persons under our care.
The reasons for establishing an umbrella organization include; The ability to give a holistic solution to LBQ persons through our programs. The Rella Selection comprises a pool of experts with experience, shared apprenticeship, and exchange of know-how. Rella WF is creating a sense of community and support system that aids human beings to discover, grow and tap into their fullest potential. This has increased public awareness and legal recognition of pursued action and impact.
A society where all persons inclusively thrive politically, economically, socially, and mentally.
To aid a sense of belonging allowing LBQ persons to live in resilient progressive and sustainable safe spaces; through creating safe spaces for living, working, accessing sexual reproductive health information, services, and commodities, and seeking justice and change.
In order to develop and deliver our capacity building programs that provide quality, inclusive education for LBQ youth, we believe in five core values that join us together and that mirror the work, actions and ideals of our organization and its culture. The values we believe are Community; Responsibility, Impact, Inspiration, Enterprising spirit, Sustainable and Innovation.
The purpose of the Board of Directors is to provide strategic guidance and leadership to Rella Women’s Foundation in achieving its vision, mission, and goals. The Board ensures the organization operates in an ethical, effective, and sustainable manner while maintaining its commitment to the values of the organization.
The Board of Directors is composed of individuals who share the organization’s vision, mission, and values. The Board is composed of a minimum of five members and a maximum of nine members, including the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Board of Directors is responsible for the following:
- Governance: The Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organization and ensuring that it operates in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
- Financial Oversight: The Board is responsible for overseeing the financial management of the organization, including approving the annual budget, financial statements, and audit reports.
- Risk Management: The Board is responsible for identifying and mitigating risks that may affect the organization’s operations, including financial, legal, and reputational risks.
- Fundraising: The Board is responsible for supporting the organization’s fundraising efforts, including identifying potential donors and securing funding to support the organization’s programs and activities.
- Monitoring and Evaluation: The Board is responsible for monitoring the organization’s performance and evaluating the effectiveness of its programs and activities.
- Human Resources: The Board is responsible for overseeing the recruitment, retention, and development of the organization’s staff and volunteers.
- Advocacy and Partnerships: The Board is responsible for representing the organization and building strategic partnerships with stakeholders to advance its mission and goals.
The Board of Directors meets at least once every quarter, and additional meetings may be called as needed. Meetings may be held in person or virtually, and all members are expected to attend.
A quorum of the Board is a minimum of 50% of the Board members. Decisions are made by a majority vote, and in the case of a tie, the Chairperson has the deciding vote.
Term of Office
The term of office for Board members is two years, with the option for re-election for up to two consecutive terms.
Code of Conduct
All Board members are expected to adhere to the organization’s code of conduct, which includes ethical behavior, confidentiality, conflict of interest, and accountability.
Succession Planning
The Board is responsible for ensuring a smooth transition of leadership, including the appointment of new Board members and the election of new officers.
These terms of reference may be amended by a majority vote of the Board, provided that notice of the proposed amendments is given to all members at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.
For interested persons, send us your letter of interest and CV to info@rellawf.org